Plow snow with truck and service (not to exceed 1 hour)……..$80.00 Sand/Salt driveway with truck and service (not to exceed 1 hour)……$90.00 Plow, sand & salt driveway with truck and service (not to exceed 1 hour)…$110.00 Weekends and calls after 4:00PM charges double
Caucus Notice
Town of Westfield
Monday, January 16, 2017
To nominate Town of Westfield Board Candidates
Westfield Town Hall
Amy Schuette, Clerk
Notice of Spring Election
General Election (Presidential)
The general Presidential election will be on Tuesday November 8, 2016, between 7:00AM and 8:00 PM @ Westfield Town Hall.
October Board Meeting
Our regular monthly board meeting will take place on Wednesday October 12, 2016 @ 6:30PM, @ Westfield Town Hall.